Voyage en Francophonie: Togo

Beignets in French and Botokoin in EweÈʋegbe language, this street food is a popularly known breakfast food in Togo that is easy to recreate à la maison.

Street food vendors making Botokoin.

recette via


Pour 4 à 5 personnes

  • 425 grammes de farine de blé
  • 1 cuillère à café de levure sèche active en grain (type Saflevure)
  • 3 cuillères à soupe de sucre,
  • 1 sachet de sucre vanillé,
  • 400ml d’eau tiède,
  • 1 pincée de sel,
  • huile d’arachide pour la cuisson,

Préparation de la pâte :

  • Versez l’eau tiède dans un saladier, ajoutez y le sucre, mélangez.
  • Ajoutez la levure en grain et mélangez  afin de la dissoudre dans l’eau sucrée.
  • Ajoutez le sel puis le sucre vanillée. Mélangez puis ajoutez la farine.
  • Mélangez bien le tout avec la main (ou au robot) en tapant fort afin d’aérer la pâte.
  • Couvrez avec un torchon afin de fermer hermétiquement puis réservez pendant 1h30 afin de laisser monter la pâte.


  • Faites frire dans de l’huile très chaude.
  • Faites dorer puis déposez sur du papier absorbant afin de faire disparaitre le surplus d’huile.


Voyage en Francophonie

Artists’ write-ups via FRANCE ROCK

Netflix and Voyager

Nowadays, there are very little options to entertain so we tend to binge on Netflix. While others may love the notion of Netflix and Chill , I would like to introduce Netflix and Voyager– oui, oui, –watch and travel. So the film that inspired me to write this article is Netflix’s, The Old Guard.

[Spoiler alert] The Old Guard starring Charlize Theron, Kiki Lane and Chiwetel Ejiofor has a group of immortal mercenaries globe-trot through time and places such as Sudan, Afghanistan and Francophone cities in Morocco and France, while saving humanity.

Although, The Old Guard was only filmed in two locations-England and Morocco– which you would not know just from the pure genius of set designers … we thought , we’d create a bucket list for those who would want to travel to the Francophone cities/towns featured in le film.

✈︎ Marrakesh, Morocco

What to do: Get lost in the Medina- There’s no other way to have a lens through local life than at the Medina, with bustling noises, beautiful colors and eclectic wares.

Medina market/image via :medinamarrakech

Where to stay: El Fenn Hotel ( actually featured in The Old Guard)

✈︎ Goussainville, France

What to do: Goussainville is an abandoned old town in the outskirts of Paris. Since this town is directly in the path of the Charles de Gaulle airport and also a ghost town, there’s not much to do or see.

Facade of a building in Goussainville/image via : tripadvisor

Where to stay: There is a list of hotels; however since this town is not quite touristy… many may book hotels in its environs since it is close to the airport.

✈︎ Val d’Argent, France

What to do: Adventure off into the ancient silver mines of Parc Tellure.

Parc Tellure/image via : val d’argent tourisme

Where to stay: Chambres d’hôtes du Val d’Argent

Landscape of Chambres d’hotes/image via

✈︎ Paris, France

What to do: It takes more than days, months, years to discover Paris— it takes a lifetime. But we’d recommend you to explore the off beaten path of the architectural gem of the Gare de Lyon’s Le Train Bleu.

Le Train Bleu Restauart at Gare de Lyon/image via le train bleu

Where to stay: Hotel Splendid Etoile

So get your Netflix and Bon voyage!
