Oui to Amour

[su_pullquote][/su_pullquote]Paris…C’est sans doute un mélange d’histoire, d’art, d’architecture et de culture.- Pierre Torset
And Oui, Oui, there’s no doubt that anyone who has ever visited Paris can witness first hand the history and fall in love with the art, architecture and culture.
For the Valentine’s Day edition of Franglais Stories, we have 37 year old Parisian photographer, Pierre Torset, aka Paris Photographer Pierre.  We will read about what he thinks love is. Most importantly, he will answer the question that might be on everyone’s mind… Are French men romantic? So before you begin scribbling Jean-Pierre on your notebook or moving to Paris to find Jean-Claude, enjoy the latest installment of Franglais Stories.
OOJSF: Tell us about your yourself and how you became a photographer.
When I was 22, my dad gave me a camera and told me to bring back nice memories from all the nice locations worldwide while I was  studying.
But then, I started spending more time focusing on taking pictures rather than studying, and it became obvious very quickly that this was going to be a passion.

OOJSF: How long have you been doing this?

PT:  I’ve been a professional photographer for more than 10 years.
First, by being a photojournalist in Asia for magazines and newspapers, and then I retired in Paris (!) with weddings and engagement pictures.  Traveling  also made me realize how much I am lucky to live in a beautiful city!
OOJSF:  What makes you love your job?
PT:  Meeting happy people everyday in Paris from all over the world.
Happy to be in Paris and happy to celebrate love through their wedding, honeymoon, anniversary, engagement, or a proposal !!!
OOJSF: What makes Paris the city of love?
PT:  C’est sans doute un mélange d’histoire, d’art, d’architecture et de culture.
De nombreux artistes sont venus à Paris pour s’installer à Montmartre dans les années 20, ou dans le quartier du Marais dans l’après-guerre.
Ils ont véhiculé l’image de la romance de Paris, avec ses petites rues, ses immeubles haussmaniens, ses cafés et ses petites boutiques, ses bords de Seine.
C’est vrai que c’est le décor parfait pour la rêverie, la promenade, et le romantisme !
Cela a été repris dans l’art en général, à travers la littérature, la chanson, la photographie et le cinéma, ce qui a permis de véhiculer cette image dans le monde entier.
Et puis il y a des images fortes associées à Paris comme étant la ville de l’amour, avec les cafés romantiques où on s’assoit à 2 pour regarder la rue, les bords de Seine où on se promène main dans la main, et bien sûr la Tour Eiffel comme symbole ultime !
OOJSF:  Why do you think lovers flock to Paris?
PT:  Because it’s an extremely beautiful city where you can experience lots of inspiring culture, great cuisine and positive vibes – and that’s just the perfect atmosphere for lovers!
OOJSF:  What has been your favorite love story of your clients?
PT:  It has been the love story of a couple celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary in Paris. They met each other on a birthday party when she was 13 and he 15 years old. It was love at first sight. They got married once she turned 18 and have loved each other ever since through thick and thin.
They had a vow renewal ceremony in Paris with their two grown up daughters. There was just so much love within the couple and the whole family. A story that makes you believe in love (again)!
OOJSF: What is love?
PT:  Ohlala, c’est une question terrible !
Se réveiller chaque matin avec la personne que l’on aime ? Ne jamais prendre les choses pour acquises ? Aider l’autre à se réaliser, malgré ce que cela peut coûter ?
Des moments de partage, d’écoute et de respect ? Des sacrifices et des compromis pour apprécier le fait d’être juste ensemble ?
C’est tellement subjectif et dur à décrire. Peut-être parce que l’amour ne se décrit pas, il se vit !
OOJSF: What makes for the perfect picture?
PT:  3 ingredients : great light, a perfect frame, and a candid/casual moment.
OOJSF:  Where is the best place to go on dates?
PT:  A stroll at the Seine riverside, ending with a kiss on one of the beautiful Parisian bridges – that’s the perfect date in Paris!
OOJSF:  Everyone is dying to know… are French men really romantic?
PT:  Yes, of course they are! But maybe not so much in the common way! 😉  French guys don’t care much about Valentine’s Day or typical gifts like roses! They may even forget an anniversary (shame on them ;-)! But then at once they will surprise their sweetheart with a dinner in a special restaurant or a romantic little getaway over the weekend! And unexpected things can be even more romantic than flowers for Valentine’s that you can somehow expect – don’t you think?
[su_pullquote][/su_pullquote]Peut-être parce que l’amour ne se décrit pas, il se vit !- Pierre Torset
Want to snap a photo the next time you are in Paris…  you can get in touch with the Paris Photographer Pierre .