Je ne veux pas travailler…

It’s May Day or how we say in French … La Fête du Travail or rather what it should be is “Fete of Not Working in Mai!” View photo below. We are no expert on labor laws, but we can attest that in France there’s a fair balance between work, la joie de vivre and taxes!

photo via

So May Day is also La Fête du Muguet, it’s traditional to offer friends and family members le muguet.

People can greet each other with a sprig or a small bouquet of lily of the valley (muguet) because they consider the flower a lucky charm.

Also, on this day, many can be seen participating in manifestations or as we might say “je fais le pont/bridge.”

So as we celebrate travail and travailleurs, the resounding question is… “Are you living to work or working to live?”

How do you say le muguet in your language?
