Baby born in la boulangerie gets free baguette starting from 3 months old

image via itomasko [ig]

March 28, 2019, was quite different for patrons at a local boulangerie in Paris’ 18th arrondissement as Madame Sanspilule went into labor. So just like chaque matin during her pregnancy, Madame Sanspilule would climb the many stairs in her Montmartre neighborhood and stand in the long line for about 30 minutes to get her baguette and croissant and whatever she craved for.

Well, on the aforementioned date, she was feeling stomach pains but thought it was just the bébé in her belly that was hungry. But what was also bizzare about this day was this jour, she was waiting for an extra 1 hour 30 minutes because les gilets jaunes had blocked the major highways that the baker takes everyday to get to work which caused him to bake late.

As she stood in line, she noticed her feet were wet, but thought it was one of those disrespectful chiens of Paris who peed on her. Little did she know that she was actually about to go into labor!

A few moments later, it had actually dawned on her that, it was in fact that she was in labor. What should she do she asked herself, she then tried searching for her phone and called le service d’aide medical urgente [S.A.M.U.] but based on her contractions, that baby seemed like it will arrive before le SAMU gets there.

People around her noticed she was going into labor so they tried to help by calming her and telling her to breathe. Monsieur AvecGluten, owner et le boulanger who had experience delivering his four kids and delivering calves when he was a little boy in Provence came to the rescue!

The bébé was born at midi and accompanied to the hospital with the SAMU. There’s no word of what the name of the baby girl is but Monsieur AvecGluten has announced the baby will be given complimentary baked goods starting from 3 months. When asked what name the parents of the bebe should consider giving, ‘DemiPain,’ Monsieur AvecGluten said.

[su_pullquote align=”right”]Do you know of anyone being born anywhere unusual?[/su_pullquote]