Bonne Année 2018



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À Vôtre Santé– Bonne année

Oui, Oui, it’s the New Year! For some, the holidays are over but if you’re French, you know , it’s long from over!

There are L’Épiphanie, 6 janvier, celebrated in France by eating a Galette or a Gâteau des Rois. The Galette is puff pastry encasing crème d’amande.

photo via eatlivtravwrite


La Chandeleur , 2 février — I guess I will reserve explanation for a future post!

and so much more that I can’t  even list just because I might gain ten more pounds!


I will stop wining— I mean whining and introduce you to Wanda Mann who I had the  pleasure of interviewing for the latest edition of Franglais Stories.Wanda is a certified wine specialist and founder of The Black Dress Traveler.. You might need a glass or two— to enjoy this piece 😉

[pictured above: Wanda Mann]

OOJSF: What’s your educational background?

For high school, I attended boarding school at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts. I’m a graduate of Pomona College in Claremont, California where I majored in Anthropology. I spent my junior year of high school abroad studying in Barcelona, Spain and I also studied for a year in Toledo, Spain when I was a junior in college. My wine education is ongoing, but in 2015 I earned the Certified Specialist of Wine (CSW) credential from the Society of Wine Educators.

OOJSF: What’s your cultural background?

African-American. Both of my parents are from the southern United States and our family has been here(US) for many generations.

OOJSF: Where did you grow up?

Born and raised in New York City.

OOJSF: Where do you call home?

I live in Manhattan, in the vibrant and diverse neighborhood of East Harlem.

OOJSF: How did the idea of The Black Dress Traveler come about ?

I’ve always loved writing and travel. A blog seemed like the ideal medium to chronicle  my passions and share what I discover with others. I am also an unrepentant “dress-aholic” and I chose to name my blog The Black Dress Traveler because no matter where I travel, I always pack a little black dress (or two!) so that I’m always ready for an elegant adventure!

OOJSF: How did you become interested in the food/beverage industry?

My father was a classically trained chef. Because of him I was exposed to fine food & wine throughout my life. My father showed me that food is art and a way of communicating. Growing up with my family’s traditional amazing Southern cuisine AND my father’s classic French cooking gave me the best of both worlds – I call it the foie gras and grits childhood!


OOJSF: What is a typical day like for you?

In the morning, I usually edit wine articles that I am working on. Several afternoons a week, I attend wine seminars and meet with winemakers for tastings and to interview them. On the evenings that I don’t attend wine events, I write and taste samples.

OOJSF: What did you do before launching The Black Dress Traveler?

My background is in event planning. I’ve produced red-carpet events featuring celebrity guests and large conferences for many well known organizations.

OOJSF: What’s the beginner’s guide to wines?

The best way to begin is to start tasting wine. Step out of  your comfort zone and try new wines from different parts of the world – don’t be intimidated. Seek out information from magazines and books. Google Jancis Robinson (Master of Wine and widely considered the world’s most influential wine critic ) and Kevin Zraly (renowned wine educator)  – their books are great references and can help newbies start to build a strong foundation.

OOJSF: Could you give tips on dining/wining for the holidays?

When entertaining at home, you want the wines to match the mood and the menu. Greet your guests with sparkling wines – bubbles always make people smile. As the menu moves towards more complex dishes, select wines that can match that intensity.

OOJSF: Favorite French wines/champagnes?

Of course, I love Champagne – it is more than just sparkling wine but a true cultural icon that communicates elegance and joy. (And always remember, Champagne can only come from Champagne, France!)I also love sparkling wines from other regions of France such as Crémant d’Alsace and Cremant du Bourgogne – they offer tremendous quality at a fraction of the price of Champagne. Chablis, from the northern part of the Burgundy region, is one of my favorite still white wines – it is a very pristine, elegant, and expression of Chardonnay. I’m also a big fan of Vouvray – a white wine from the Loire Valley made from the Chenin Blanc grape. My favorite French red wines include Bordeaux blends and wines from regions in the south such as the Rhône and Roussillon. When offered a glass of fine Burgundy (Pinot Noir), I won’t turn it away! I also can’t resist a crisp rosé from Provence! France also produces some of the world’s finest sweet wines – Sauternes is magical, like drinking sunshine and gold.


OOJSF: What are the basic wine/champagne etiquettes?

Always hold the glass by the stem, point the cork away from people when opening a bottle of sparkling wine, and don’t be a wine snob – no one likes to drink with wine snobs!

OOJSF: Silly question but do you ever get tired of drinking wine?

Does one tire of a fine painting or a beautiful piece of music ? No, I never ever get tired of drinking wine. Each wine takes me on a journey and has a story to tell.

OOJSF: Favorite French word/phrase?

Except for food & wine vocabulary, I don’t speak much French, but I absolutely love to say ,“oh là là !” I’m also a fan of “trés chic!”

OOJSF: Favorite French region/Francophone country?

Paris is timeless and breathtaking. I also love the rugged yet elegant beauty of Provence – the landscapes and flavors are so vibrant.

OOJSF: What should we expect from The Black Dress Traveler in the future?

More wine, more travels, and more adventures!

OOJSF: What’s your advise on traveling?

Do it. Don’t make excuses. Make travel a priority in your life. And don’t be afraid to travel alone. Don’t over plan each day. Leave room for spontaneity. Linger over a glass of wine and people watch.

OOJSF: What is life like as an entrepreneur?

Superb and stressful! The freedom and autonomy are fabulous but the work never ends. Thank goodness, I love my work!

OOJSF: As an entrepreneur, how do you stay motivated?

I can get bored very easily so I am always seeking out new challenges and ways to further my knowledge. It is good for my soul and my business.

OOJSF: What would you recommend for someone to do or see based on where you call home?

New York City is a great city for walking around – the city itself is an endless feast, fashion runway, concert, museum, drama, and comedy show! Eat, drink, discover, and remember that NYC is more than just Manhattan – each of the 5 boroughs has something special!

For more information on how to pair your wine with that fromage, visit The Black Dress Traveler

Vivre* Etre* Parler FRANGLAIS


Oui Getting Tipsy

 photo via oojsf


Oui, oui,  summer might be officially over but you really don’t have to give up eating ‘la glace.’  I have always wondered why, ‘la glace,’ French for ice-cream is feminine. Could it be that more women enjoy this decadent creamy creation? That may just be true as I would like to introduce you to the latest feature profile of our Franglais Stories, Melissa Tavss of Tipsy Scoop.  Oui, Oui, you heard that right! Ice -cream that gets you tipsy! Disclaimer: You just might get tipsy reading her story 🙂

OOJSF:What’s your educational background?

MT: University of Richmond, BA — NYU, Graduate degree

OOJSF:What’s your cultural background?

MT: My family came from Italy to Scotland back in the 1800s with gelato carts. My great grandfather was actually president of the ice cream alliance in Great Britain.

OOJSF: Where did you grow up?


OOJSF: Where do you call home?


OOJSF: How did the idea of Tipsy Scoop come about ?

MT: I was always perfecting my homemade ice cream recipe. Originally, I added a little alcohol to soften ice cream to make it less icy- -from there, I thought it would be so awesome if the ice cream could actually hold an alcohol content, so I worked on developing the recipes from there. 

photo via oojsf [pictured above, Melissa Tavss]

OOJSF:Has anyone gotten tipsy over your scoops?

MT: I think you would have to eat a lot of ice cream to actually get Tipsy!

OOJSF: What is a typical day like for you?

MT: I open the ice cream shop/Barlour in the morning, then work with my team on catering, events, and wholesale and then end the day either working at an event, or back at the shop.

OOJSF: What did you do before launching Tipsy Scoop?

MT: I did marketing for various liquor brands. 

OOJSF: What’s the future of Tipsy Scoop?

MT: You will see! Big things coming soon:)

OOJSF: Do you have any French inspired flavors?

MT: For Bastille day last year, we did a Creme Brûlée flavor that was delicious- it was spiked with Grand Marnier. 

OOJSF: How do you come up with the names of the flavors? 

MT: We make the cocktail version first and then translate that into an ice cream.

OOJSF: What is your favorite flavor?

MT: I love the Cake Batter vodka martini made with cake flavored vodka, amaretto and white chocolate liqueur. 

OOJSF: What dessert food pairs well with your scoops?

MT: I think the vanilla bean bourbon ice cream goes perfectly with a piece of apple pie. 

OOJSF: What is life like as an entrepreneur?

MT: Busy and non-stop. You have to wear many different hats and be prepared to work 24/7. But when you do what you love it makes it a lot easier. 

OOJSF: As an entrepreneur, how do you stay motivated?

MT: Surrounding yourself with a team of like-minded passionate and talented individuals.

OOJSF: What advise would you give someone who wants to be an entrepreneur?

MT: I would start slow in developing your idea and business. Take time to think about where you want the business to go and how you want to do it. 

OOJSF: What would you recommend for someone to do or see in New York?

MT: Come to the Tipsy Scoop Barlour of course! 

OOJSF: What should we expect from your Tipsy Scoop Barlour?

MT: We will be doing limited edition seasonal flavors each month! 

Want to know how to get tipsy, visit   TIPSY SCOOP to get some holiday scoops:

Candy Cane Vodka Martini
Ice cream infused with candy cane-flavored vodka, bejeweled with bits of peppermint candy


Santa’s Cookies & Whiskey
Whiskey-infused ice cream blended with cookie crumbles – consider it a more “grown-up” take on the tradition of leaving out cookies and milk



Blood Orange Champagne Sparkler (sorbet, dairy-free)
Delectably sweet and tangy, blood orange juice lends a ruby hue to this bubbly-based sorbet


Drunken Gingerbread Man
Gingerbread ice cream infused with vanilla vodka and coffee liqueur


Spiced Eggnog
Brandy-infused ice cream spiced with nutmeg and cinnamon


Boozy Bananas Foster
Banana ice cream infused with spiced rum and creme de banana, topped with brown sugar

Cheers to being tipsy and remember to enjoy responsibly! Bon app!



Oui, Oui, C’est La Mode


Oui, oui, the French know a thing or two about ‘la mode.’ Who are we kidding?! Le mot, ‘la mode’ is synonymous with being French. Fashion season has just wrapped up and we are thrilled about our  newest feature of Franglais Stories with French designer, Gotal Ryam, who launched her namesake fashion label, GRLP a year ago. 

OOJSF: En français, quelle est votre définition de la mode?

GR:La mode c’est avant tout des vêtement dans lequel on se sent bien et qui reflètent à la fois qui nous sommes. C’est une tenue dont tous les éléments s’accordent entre eux.

OOJSF:What clothing item should every woman have in their closet?

GR:A black dress.

OOJSF:Where did you get your fashion training from?

GR:Central St Martins

OOJSF:What languages do you speak?

GR:Mbay, French, English

OOJSF:Did you face any difficulties when you first moved to London? If yes, please explain.

GR:Yes, I faced difficulties,there were a few language difficulties at the beginning; once I moved here I realised I didn’t really speak English. But luckily for me, hardly anyone is really from London; because everyone is from somewhere else. And with time you improve your English and you get used to the city.

OOJSF:What inspires your fashion line?

GR:I am inspired by everything around me.

OOJSF:What are the challenges of being a budding fashion designer?

GR:One of the biggest obstacle to launching my own label is getting financial backing, because producing garments is very expensive. There are many aspects involved in running your own label. You have to have the passion to really make it because it takes tremendous amounts of hard work. You have to live, breathe, and dream fashion.

OOJSF:What clothing item do you think is timeless?

GR:The little black dress.

OOJSF:What’s the difference between the way people dress in Paris versus people in London?

GR:I will say that people are more extravagant and colorful in London.Quirky concepts and unique combinations can be found on every London street. Paris is more conservative in a certain way. Women will frequently dress in a basic yet elegant skirt or short pants for the daytime.

OOJSF:What types of women do you dress?

GR:The modern and independent woman with a taste for fashion who is equally at ease in trainers as well as in high end pieces.

OOJSF:What should we look forward to from your line?

GR:The marriage of technology and fabrics.

OOJSF:You have lived in both Paris and London. What do you like about both cities? What do you dislike about both cities?

GR:They are constantly changing with new and exciting things sprouting up almost everyday. I love the feeling of being anonymous in those cities, but can make you feel sometimes lonely. There is a particular flavour to the loneliness that comes from living in a city, surrounded by millions of people.

OOJSF:For people wanting to visit London, what would you advise them to do, eat, and see?

GR:To visit Museums and art galleries which are FREE such as the likes of the Natural History Museum, The Science Museum, and The British Museum.
To go to some food markets, one of my favourite has to be Borough Market, head here around lunch time for a quick bite to eat and a little treat from one of the many dessert stalls.
To visit Camden Town is one of the very best neighbourhoods in London to explore
and Shoreditch, which is one of London’s trendiest neighbourhoods.
And of course, shopping on Oxford Street is a must.

OOJSF:For people visiting Paris, what would you advise them to do, eat, and see?

GR:I will advise them to visit Montmartre.
Paris is a showcase par excellence of French cuisine, so…

To eat: try bistros, Au Pied de Fouet in St-Germain or Bistrot Paul Bert in the 11e and cool neobistros like Racines 2 by the Louvre.
To see: Belleville and the famous Buttes de Chaumonts.
To do: The Big Bus Tour, a hop on/hop off bus that provided an audio guide and made stops at the most famous sights and attractions throughout the city. This is definitely the most efficient way to fit in a lot of stuff in a little bit of time and also got us acquainted with the city.

OOJSF: What captions describe you?

GR:I am strong, I am edgy,and  I am fearless.

Visit GRLONDONPARIS for more info.

Remember each jour is a perfect opportunity to VIVRE, ÊTRE, PARLER, FRANGLAIS!




A light-hearted take on the 14 golden rules to behave like a Parisienne/Parisien

Bastille Day has finally arrived. And to celebrate, how about a post on the golden rules to behave like a Parisienne.

Golden rule number one ladies: less is more

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