Mona Lisa can be your host for a night

So Airbnb is tired of you sleeping in people’s maisons so instead they are offering travelers a chance to win a *sleepover for one nuit in one of Paris’ famous attraction, the Louvre.

This contest is a part of Airbnb’s “Night At” franchise, a series of organized stays at previous locations such as Dracula’s Castle, Shark aquarium and a Lego House.

” We know that many people would love the opportunity to wander alone at night through the Louvre and want this to be a magical and unforgettable experience,” said Anne-Laure Béatrix, Louvre’s deputy manager. “With Airbnb’s partnership, we hope to encourage more people to discover how truly accessible and inspiring the wonders of art can be.”

*La Joconde’s guests will partake in:

Toast to Mona Lisa with a cozy Renaissance inspired apéro while relaxing and listening to sounds of French music on vinyl records.

[Translation: Listening to French words which are unpronounceable].

Venus of Milo, the Greek goddess of love and beauty, will then “host” an extravagant feast in a pop-up dining room.

[Translation: Eating a never ending French meal that lasts for hours and hours].

image via :360brain

Finally, guests will be treated to an intimate acoustic concert in Napoleon III’s lavish apartments and retire to their *chambre under the Pyramid.

Translation: Guest will continue to listen to unpronounceable French words and the Louvre are not trying to have guests steal anything from le musée, so they will have guests sleep where they can be seen].

So like any potential house guests, we have questions…

  • Will we sleep on 1,000 count Egyptian cotton?
  • Will there be people at our beck and call?
  • Will there be cameras… cuz we are ain’t trying to show our goodies?
  • Is there *une salle de bain?
  • Can our girl, Mona, finally tell us why she doesn’t smile?
  • Are there ghosts and will they be paying a visit?
  • When do we have to check out by? –We like to sleep in late sometimes.
image via:classicalfuck

To enter, log onto before 12 avril 2019, by 23.59pm (CET) OR 6.59 pm (EST) and answer why you would be the Mona Lisa’s perfect guest? Like Mona isn’t tired of the 10 million visitors yearly!
